I've never done this before...blogging (what a strange word--"blog"). I've never felt like I've had anything important or lengthy enough to write about other than a sentence or two on my "status" update on Facebook. However, I've been propositioned by a few who are anti-FB to start a "family update" of whats going on in Dave and I's lives. Big or small, important, or...just plain boring. For whatever reason they were interested and I kind of liked the idea of having something to look back at and remember what exactly it was that we were doing with such-and-so at the who-knows-where while doing the thing-a-ma-jig (yes, I'm only 29 years old yet have the memory of a elderly lady in her prime, and use such eloquent words as "thing-a-ma-jig").
So I'm going to start, but I make no promises. If you have ever had the pleasure of editing one of my essays while I was in school, you know writing is NOT one of my speciality and I am more of a visual person (hence my love of photography and my need to capture everything with the camera). In fact this "blog" will probably have more photos than words for awhile while I get my feet wet in "blogging".
Here it goes, Shuck Family blog is about... to get... started...