The Shuck Family

Sunday, June 26, 2011

DOG Beach

We are trying to be resourceful and not spend a ton of money this summer due to other bills that have made their way as top priority. However, it was 114 this past week and I just finished working the first 3 weeks of summer (I only get 6) and wanted to do something.

In high school my friend Ashley and I used to somehow connivence our parents (looking back I think our parents were crazy) to let us go to San Diego, just for the day. We would get up in the wee hours of morning and get to the beach by 10. Sleep on the beach for little bit and then boogy-board and walk around until about 6pm and then head back home to be home by midnight (curfew). Well, if we did it then, what's stopping us now? Yesterday was our summer vacation. It started at 4:30am and ended juuuuust before midnight.

Dave and I got up at 4:30 and did the same dash to the beach, but with dogs in tow. We headed to Dog Beach where pups can run free off the leash. We did a brief stint at the beach in March but were not sure if they remembered the ocean and would be hesitant. They were sooooooooooo not. Both raced for and got into the water immediately. They played VERY hard for 3+ hours straight. Running, jumping, and even a little swimming off the shelf of the sandbar that we played on. They played a little with other dogs. Are pups always run up to other dogs, interested in sniffing them and watching them play, but are a little shy when it comes to joining in on the fun and rough housing. We laid on the beach a little and took a breather and then later left and decided to walk the board walk on Mission Beach and have an early dinner to start our trip back home.

(Zuli is our runner)

(rest time!)

The following day both dogs slept almost the entire day (not to mention the entire trip back home). When they would walk around it would be very gingerly and quite stiff. Dave and I went to touch their hamstrings on the back of their hind legs but were quickly greeted with a mouth on our hand telling us no. Play hard, suffer the consequences. :)

Over all it was a pretty terrific day to watch the kids play and a great "summer vacation".

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Camping is where my heart is...

Today we got back from our first camping trip of 2011, and the first trip ever for the pups.
We first took a side trip to Christopher Creek where Zaka and Zuli got to see a creek/running water for the first time. Zaka sniffed it for quite awhile and they both just stood awhile in the middle, trying to figure it all out during the first crossing. Both quickly adjusted and further down the stream we came to a huge water hole that was deeper than either Dave or I cared to find out. It was an instant drop off from the rock we were initially standing on and I threw a stick out but didn't think either would go for it since the bottom was no where in sight. What I didn't think about what that both dogs just discovered what a creek was only 30 minutes prior and had NO prior experience to water being deeper than they could touch. I'm pretty sure both expected this to be similar to what they were just standing in. Zaka immediately leap out to get the stick and before we could turn on the video camera, he was taking his first swim. This swim was not graceful by any means. He had a look of terror in his eye as he clopped his big "horsey paws" down in the water making huge splashes but keeping afloat just fine. His sister went right in after the next stick with no fear even after watching the spectacle her brother made and we quickly discovered she is the next Amanda Beard. She is a born swimmer. She loved every minute of it. Zaka refused to go in after any other sticks by his own will. Dave and I both "helped" him in a few times, but he still wasn't too sure about swimming.

(Zaka has a little less "finesse" compared to his sister)
(Zuli glided through the water like a fish. She loved it!)
We finally headed up The Rim to our usual area. We actually have not been to this exact location for 3 years for reason of fear, or at least fear for me. Let me quickly recap the camping trip of June 2008...

3 years ago Dave and I headed up to a great spot that he had camped at with some friends just above Payson/Strawberry. It was green, secluded, and free. We went really far back and passed a lot of fellow campers at the beginning of the road, close to the highway. But the further we went back the less and and less we saw of people. Everything went great. We set up camp, went of a hike, and finally set a fire for dinner. We had our original--Reese's & Banana S'mores and even played a few rounds of Yahtzee before calling it a night. Exhausted for a long day we both fell right asleep. That is, until just after 3am we were both awakened by a startling howl and many, many howls in return. Alright, it's the woods, you might hear a distant howl or these howls were loud--too loud. We estimate by all of the noise (pine needles breaking, grunts, growls, and more howls) that a pack of coyotes??? wolves?? were passing though our camp just a few hundred feet away. I mean it was LOUD. They were close and there was a lot of them and we were all alone. I was literally shaking. What would stop them from attacking if they wanted? We had NO protection. Dave whispered directly in my ear to just stay quiet and if we had to he would set off the alarm of the car and we would both just run for it. Needless to say we are fine, they did not bother us, and we did not sleep the rest of that night.

So now, 3 years later we have "protection" (not really, they are intimidated by the dachshunds at the dog park, but their barks are impressive, so maybe just an "alert system"?). We love the spot. It is a great escape from the Valley heat and it's so green and reeks of that awesome pine smell, why not give it another go?
Overall the dogs did great camping (and we had NO visitors--bonus)! They stuck around (we practice "come" a lot the first 5 minutes with the good treats) and they did alright in the tent. Because we have kennel trained them since the first night they came home with us, they have never had the opportunity to sleep "freely" or sleep by us, both were just a little too much for them to handle. They did want to keep snuggling up to us because we were in such near proximity and at their level. It was also pretty cold at that altitude (I think it was in the 40's that night). However, a 90 lb. dog can certain cramp your style, much less two of them. They only woke us up every 30-40 minutes so that was...good...I think. There was also a few barks in the middle of the night at various cracks and creeks in the forest, but I was okay with that after our last trip to the spot.
When we were packing up the next day I really think they were sad to go. They did not want to get in the car. I think all of the smells and room to run was just too hard to give up. We reassured them that after the fire restrictions and heat passed we would surely be up again soon. After all, we love all of the smells and room to breath too that camping offers us.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2011 Recap to date

The year started off with the addition of Zaka & Zuli, our Rhodesian Ridgeback pups. They were just 6 weeks when we got them 4 days before the New Year. (*tear* as I look back at just how small they were).

Most of our year has primarily consisted of working around them (Dogs are HIGH MAINTENANCE! Which is probably why we have been putting off getting them for so long...). We have been trying to get them out as much as possible and give them new experiences and socialization every chance we get. We have hiked, seen snow, gone to the beach, and are frequent visitors at two dog parks in the area as well as regular parks in our neighborhood (both are completely captivated with children--I think it's because kids are down at their eye level; Dave think's it's because they are more on their energy level.). We also recently started "puppy school" and although it's still too early to tell if it's working, I have high hopes of having better behavior with company or in other locations other than our home (when it's just the 4 of us, every command is met--well almost every--and our mood is MUCH more mellow--go figure).

We also started the year by celebrating Kim's last year in her prime, with a countdown to the Dirty Thirty. We did it with a dirty, less classy style--A White Trash Bash. Although I, Kim, had more enthusiasm earlier in the Fall when the idea originated, I managed to get over my procrastination/depression hump and raid a few Goodwill and Saver's stores at the last minute to get some "goods". Other party goers had far better creativity and outfits than myself as you can see below. It was just what I needed at that time. Some good company and some good laughs.

We have also been participating in our various hobbies/social outings. Dave joined a new softball team after yet another team disband. Only on the second game of the season, he collided with a fellow teammate so hard that both ended up needing MRI's done on their knees that week. Dave has is now the proud owner of a torn meniscus and will most likely need surgery because he has already found himself favoring it quite a bit. He had to take a month and a half off after the collision, but as soon as he got the doctor’s okay--he was back on the field (such a boy). He also has had plenty of “dirt rash” from the concrete-like infield but has enjoyed himself tremendously, so i suppose that’s all that matters... I (Kim) (I don't know whether to talk about myself in the first or third person---this blogging is still new to me) got invited to play Bunco with a group of girls who’s husbands Dave use to work with. It has been a lot of fun meeting new faces or getting to know others better, but the casual Bunco night quickly progressed into “dress-up-and-play” nights as themes were introduced. If anyone reading this knows me well enough, you know how passionate and captivated I am by Halloween and LOVE LOVE LOVE to dress up and be someone else for the night. This past year has been so much fun. I am certainly looking forward to another. I have also taken a few sporadic photo classes and hopefully this summer I can experiment and flex my get my creative juices flowing again.

At the beginning of February we became an aunt and uncle to beautiful baby Anna. My aunts used to spoil me rotten and I can't wait to do the same with her.

At the end of February we ventured away from the pups and celebrated a close friend’s birthday in Vegas. It was a milder trip. Dave had the flu and the fever to prove it and Denise, the birthday girl, got a bug or a "bad concoction" the first night and felt under-the-weather the rest of the weekend. No one was too sick to gamble though, and overall, we had good food and good laughs.

We also celebrate the day of love at our now traditional spot P.F. Chang's and then delivered all of the chocolate I got from my students, along with some from my co-workers, to the home where Dave’s grandma lives (I’ve done this with the local hospital for the past few years--it feels great--and I don’t get fat--bonus!). It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, I just can’t eat all of it. We secretly left a little something at everyones door steps on both floors one and two of her wing! Then two weeks later we celebrated our love again with our third anniversary (time flies!). We had intended on going skiing and renting a cabin with the pups (our anniversary gift--3 months early). However, due to a previously mentioned knee injury, skiing would have to wait and we instead had dinner at The Tortilla Factory in Scottsdale on the actually night and then on the weekend sat our bums on a sled (more my style anyways). And we still took the pups (s0-much-fun!).

Spring Break was a bit less flashy than past school breaks with just a small trip to visit Dave’s uncle in California. He has the most beautiful house ON the ocean right now--we also wanted to take the pups for their first ocean experience and JUST got the okay to take them out in public after their final shots. SB was also full of sporadic get togethers with friends. I always appreciate everyone letting me be a bad friend and sometimes wait until work and work commitments calm down---a.k.a. no school---and get togethers are a bit more practical to come by (I have also figured out in the past year or so that I am getting older, and with that comes less energy and spunk and I now need to get to bed earlier and can no longer fill my days and weekends with 50 different things--getting old sucks.). After that...time flew. I REALLY don’t know what happened to Spring.

And now summer is here. I somehow filled out the paper that AGAIN I would participate in teaching summer school. Every year I tell myself I am just going to relax and sit at home and do things I never seem to have time for and constantly reappear on my to-do list for the following school break. However, the thought of the money that could go towards something fun (like travel) or something realistic (bills) is just too tempting. Summer school hasn't been too bad, at least not when you work closely with friends and have curriculum that is fun and hands on (I too have learned a thing or two--Did you know there are 3 different types of screwdrivers? Or what the inside of a computer, radio, or camera looks like?) Two more weeks and then I will have a few weeks off to both relax and tackle that to-do list.

This upcoming school year will be a....well a journey i guess (new years resolution--be more optimistic) as we prepare (multiple times) to close as an elementary school and say farewell to our students and families that we have come to know and love. I am really not looking forward to the chaos and heartache that lays before me but I remind myself that change is hard but everything usually works out.

Interested to see how the rest of 2011 turns out. Fingers crossed and knocking on wood for good health and good fortune for our closest and dearest.