We are trying to be resourceful and not spend a ton of money this summer due to other bills that have made their way as top priority. However, it was 114 this past week and I just finished working the first 3 weeks of summer (I only get 6) and wanted to do something.
In high school my friend Ashley and I used to somehow connivence our parents (looking back I think our parents were crazy) to let us go to San Diego, just for the day. We would get up in the wee hours of morning and get to the beach by 10. Sleep on the beach for little bit and then boogy-board and walk around until about 6pm and then head back home to be home by midnight (curfew). Well, if we did it then, what's stopping us now? Yesterday was our summer vacation. It started at 4:30am and ended juuuuust before midnight.

Dave and I got up at 4:30 and did the same dash to the beach, but with dogs in tow. We headed to Dog Beach where pups can run free off the leash. We did a brief stint at the beach in March but were not sure if they remembered the ocean and would be hesitant. They were sooooooooooo not. Both raced for and got into the water immediately. They played VERY hard for 3+ hours straight. Running, jumping, and even a little swimming off the shelf of the sandbar that we played on. They played a little with other dogs. Are pups always run up to other dogs, interested in sniffing them and watching them play, but are a little shy when it comes to joining in on the fun and rough housing. We laid on the beach a little and took a breather and then later left and decided to walk the board walk on Mission Beach and have an early dinner to start our trip back home.

The following day both dogs slept almost the entire day (not to mention the entire trip back home). When they would walk around it would be very gingerly and quite stiff. Dave and I went to touch their hamstrings on the back of their hind legs but were quickly greeted with a mouth on our hand telling us no. Play hard, suffer the consequences. :)
Over all it was a pretty terrific day to watch the kids play and a great "summer vacation".
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