Last night was one of the coolest weather elements I have ever seen in AZ. (If you know me, Kim, well enough, you know how much I love weather related stuff and adore The Weather Channel.) Dave was heating up dinner, and I was working out on the elliptical when I came into the kitchen to change out water bottles and just happened to look outside. All I saw was this dust cloud that looked something like what I would imagine a bomb or volcano going off near by. The cloud was literally "rolling" in. It was so surreal. I ran outside and took just a few pictures because of the speed of the storm. As I was snapping away a few different people were running by. I offered a ride to two of the ladies running, but they said they lived just around the corner. From the time I first saw it out the window to the time it hit our house was a matter of 2-3 minutes. When it hit...it went from instant daylight to darkness.
Later, as I checked Facebook, I saw that Gilbert was not the only one that had this phenomenon and instead it covered the entire Valley through various pictures/videos that others took. The storm wind originated in Tucson and came up the 100 or so miles north to us. It grounded flights in bound and outbound for about 3 hours. This morning the dust still hung heavy in the air as the San Tan Mountains that are just south of us were still hard to see.
I suppose this means my favorite time in AZ is upon us, monsoon season (the ONLY time we get weather). Now for some rain next time. :)

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